Wednesday 7 May 2008

Flis's blog Yeah i agree there is a difference between lying to be polite and compulsive lying. At the end of the day lying makes things worse. If you have real friends then there's really no need to lie to them, it maysound harsh at first but then agin if they really know you, then they should understand.

If you wouldn't want people to lie to you, then dont lie to others.


MC Bash's blog Yep its unfair that you have to labell and judge someone for no reason whatsoever, Religion you cant blame becasue no religion promotes negative attitudes. At the end of the day i beleive its down to the bloody media their to blame, they are the ones who promote so much bad stuff and people begin to fall for it.
What happened to hab=ving a brain and using it?

Don't Judge if you wouldnt want to be judged.


Habeeba's blog Habi's blog on stalking is interesting. I liked the way she has related it to a TV programme. It's really interesting how you can easily notice types of acts like this especially when their promoted on TV too. Also it makes me laugh to hear that the girl Sketch goes to such an extent to attract the boy Maxxie.


Babii Nikki True...True say Nikki, you shouldn't cheat on your lover. Whats the point in being in a relationship when your going to go off and see someone else. Why be so cruel and hurt another. Don't be in a relationship knowing that you might get bored and cheat. If the relationship is going down hill anyway then there's still no need to cheat. Like Nikki said "move on and don't leave the other person in the dark".


Dominique's Blog Yes. I agree with Dominique's blog on Prostitution. Women do give their bodies for others to use and abuse, receiving only money? No offence but i'm quite sure you can earn money in many different ways, if your not that qualified thee's plenty of factory's, waiting tabels, basic shop work, its not the best paid jobs but atleast you get to keep your self respect!!!


Nusarat's Post : Nusarat's blogs are really ineresting to read. I really liked the TV programme blog. I totally agree with her, that some TV programmes are bad influences. The use of language is appalling, Nusarat has mentioned South Park and Simpsons, but what about programmes like Tracey Beaker, who you always see as shouting and screaming and

acting really immature. This kind of behaviour really promotes children acting like that without knowing. They think its cool because their favourite characters think so.

Sunday 4 May 2008


I think this module was one of the best modules taught so far this year. It was enjoyable, fun, shocking, depressing, and well worth doing again.

It was crazy to hear people's opinions on everything and anything. Openely admitting their secret affairs, lusts and acts, was very surprising.

Lecturers were hillarious and funny. Topics were easily made funny and well worth coming. The odd chatter now and then was annoying.

I would have never thought this type of module would ever be taught at University, considering it was like a laid back type of module. Nevertheless learning so much in so little time, as only one topic was talked about per week.

I would recommend this module to be continued and for people to participate, it is worth knowing little stuff which make a big difference.

Thursday 1 May 2008


How do people shop lift and get away with it? God if i was to try it (i wont lol) i bet i would get caught no problemo!

Is there some kind of skill maybe technique used? How do they learn to do it? What happens if they caught? Are they not worried? Why exactly do it?

All of these questions and many many more need be answering. What triggers people to shop lift? Do they get some kind of adrenaline buzz out of it? I dont know!

Why are these kinds of bad behavioural acts being taken upon so much?

Shoplifting is the theft of merchandise for sale in a shop, it could be money from the cash register or the safe in local stores. It is one of the most common crimes around. Most shoplifters are amateurs and those who shop lift to make a living are tend to be more skilled.

Think twice before you shoplift becasue the consequence leads to an increase in the product prices!!!
