Friday 7 March 2008


So what exactly is Masturbation?

There are so many different definitions and the simpliest is that Masturbation refers to: the sexual stimulation, especially of one's own genitals and often to the point of orgasm, which is performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (except for sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. This definition is found from:

No one exactly knows why one masturbates but some of the most common reasons are to help relieve stress and moreover gain sexual pleasure. Masturbation is thought of as an private act, no-one really wants anyone to know that they masturbate. According to some health care providers masturbation allows a healthy way to express and explore your sexuality and to release any sexual tension without the associated risks of sexual intercourse.

From reading through the above about associated risks i wonder if masturbation should be advertised more. Either talked about and promoted in schools then do you think it would help reduce any sexual transmitted diseases which spread at an early age. By young teenagers even childen starting from high school, if they begin to know more about their body and pleasure themselves, they could find it more pleasurable, enjoyable or more exciting?

I know for some it may not be acceptable and may offend many people it also may be totally wrong, but if you come to think about it how else can you try to prevent such things from taking place. So wouldnt you just use what you have but positivly?

I personally think its wrong but every one has their own opinions right? To others it may be fine. For those who do have unprotected sex maybe they should try something new which doesnt harm themselves and others.

For women here is a website for more information:

It's just an idea but what does everyone think about it?


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