Thursday 27 March 2008


Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. There are so many types of drugs, some which are allowed those include which doctors prescribe and some which are illegal. Including Marijuana, Ecstacy, Cocaine, Lsd, Crystal meth and Heroin.

Ilegal drugs can damage the brain, heart and othe organs.

Kids and teens nawadays try using drugs to fit in with a group of friends. Not knowing that really its bad for them. Those who deal are even worse, their only out their to make money not caring who they are selling it. How do you relly know what your dealer is selling you anyway? Getting into the bad crowd is not really worth it and having friends who persuade you into drugs or who take drugs then their not really friends, are they?

Rememer drugs dont solve problems they cause problems!

For more information on types of drugs visit:


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