Friday 11 April 2008


Our world contains people from different backgrounds, cultures, religions and societies. However labelling one society or religion on behalf of someone else's wrong doing, to me is unacceptable. Terrorism disrupts the societies and communities we belong and live in. In modern sense terrorism is violence against civilians to achieve goals by creating fear. These types of acts are unlawful.

But who actually are the terorists?

Personally i believe, that people who become terrorists or who are terrorists dont beong to a religion. Why? Because NO religion says hurt another, NO religion says kill another, have you read the bible? Tell me where it says kill or hurt another? Have you read the Quran? Where does it say go out and kill, go out and take blood? It doesn't so why should a particular society, religion or community get labelled for no reason? A person who is a terrorist has no religion they dont belong to a communtiy or society, they are taking upon a act out of their own selfishness.

It hurts to find people who have done no wrong but are being labelled and bullied, it has happened to me. And i am proud to be brown and to be a British Pakistani Muslim.
Visit: to find out more about Islam and terrorism.


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