Tuesday 15 April 2008


What is Rape? Someone who commits rape who have had sexual intercourse with a person who does not consent to it; and at that time that person knows that they are not given consent to, but who canot stop it. A large proportion of rapes are committed by peoplr known to the survivor, a cose friednd maybe, someone who has been trusted, even a family member.

An assault can range from unwanted touching or kissing and suggessting sexual intercourse to forced oral sex and injury to genitals using objects. Rape and sexual assault can also invovle: intimidation, beating, spitting, choking, knifing, urinating or defecating on the victim.

This is a really really type of bad behaviour.

One which no-one should go through at all. It's disgusting to find out or here about people getting raped, what happened to having your own rights?

There is this girl in our community she refused to go out with this boy and as revenge he raped her. How low can someone go? If someone doesnt want to be with you then deal with it, you dont go out getting revenge!

Also do you think its acceptable for this type of AD?

Keep Safe people!!!


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