Thursday 27 March 2008


Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. There are so many types of drugs, some which are allowed those include which doctors prescribe and some which are illegal. Including Marijuana, Ecstacy, Cocaine, Lsd, Crystal meth and Heroin.

Ilegal drugs can damage the brain, heart and othe organs.

Kids and teens nawadays try using drugs to fit in with a group of friends. Not knowing that really its bad for them. Those who deal are even worse, their only out their to make money not caring who they are selling it. How do you relly know what your dealer is selling you anyway? Getting into the bad crowd is not really worth it and having friends who persuade you into drugs or who take drugs then their not really friends, are they?

Rememer drugs dont solve problems they cause problems!

For more information on types of drugs visit:


Monday 24 March 2008

Nasty Comedians

Nasty comedians are so not funny or hilarous, so why do people enjoy listening and going along with them?

Some are so foul mouthed its just disgracefull. Take for example Sarah Silverman. I dont think no one girl can ever get nastier than her, she does Holocaust jokes, Martin Luther King jokes, Racist jkes, Aids jokes and lots on Jewish girls and sex and abortion.

I really dont know why one has to go and steep so low to be a nasty comedian then to turn around and be proud of it. Dont they ever think about the people they may be offending. Imagine someone was ofending you and your family, your culture your religion your beliefs, the person you are, how would you feel?

Yet people can have the nerve to laugh at others but when things to around on them they don't like!

So why be a nasty comedian in the first place!!!

For more info on Sarah Silverman visit:


Thursday 20 March 2008


What are Tattoos & where did they originate from?

Whether they are on arms, legs, ankles or buttocks, tattoos are painted all over our bodies by injecting ink into our skin. Ink is injected by a needle attached to a hand held tool into the cells of the dermis - a section of our skin that keeps tattoos from fading and stretching.

Decorating our bodies with tattoos is popular among many people.

The word, tatto originates from the Tahitian word tatu, which means "to mark", it was first mentioned in explorer James Cook's Record from his 1769 expedition to the South Pacific. However some scientists beleive that the earliest known eveidence of tattooing dats back to markings found on the skin of the Iceman, a mummified human body that goes back as 3300 B.C.

Tattoos can have many meanings to many different people, encraving their lovers name onto each other may show the power of love. But dont you think that there are many other ways of showing your love to one person rather than hurting or damaging your body?

Also what example is shown to kids nowadays, celebrities showing off their bodies and encouraging youngsters to be like them and wanting extreme body designs.
Want to see more designs go to:

Monday 17 March 2008


What are bandits? Those who tend to rob on a daily basis or a gangster who cheats and exploits others, there could even be groups of bandits, who knows! All we know is that they can rob from the rich and even the poor.

A good example of a bandit is Charles Arthur aka 'Pretty boy Floyd' who rose from a huge poorly family to one of the worlds biggest bank robbers in history. He had escaped the country boy lifestyle for the more modern era. Here he had gained a bad reputation and to make way through life was to rob. This could be from post offices and then banks and along the way he had taken many lives. In the end, Floyd was betrayed not by his family or friends but by an ambitious protector of American Justice called J.Edgar Hoover. From reading through many different articles and sources this is an overall general basic idea of what Charles Arthur did. From reading through sources how he died i have noticed is in many different ways from the various writers.

There have been many celebrities who have shot to fame but used to be part of gangs and outlaws. Such as 50 Cent, one of the worlds most famous rapper. He had lost his mother through drugs at the age of 8, his father walked out on the family so he was left with his grandparents and the rest of the family. As he had little money he became a member of the well known drug game, the skills in dealing, selling and making drugs was quickly picked up and money started rolling in. Family soon became aware and tryed to stop this from happening before another life could be taken. Soon after some very hard time and gaining attention from groups of rivals he began to rap about life, drugs, sex, money to earn his way out of poverty. Through this he rose to fame and has become one of the worlds biggest rap stars. More information about 50 Cent you can visit:

People out there are from all kinds good and bad, rich and poor, generous and selfish etc...Bandits may be wrong but if you actually try not to stereotype and look at their bachgrounds such as 50 cent then maybe people's perceptions can change?


Thursday 13 March 2008


Oh My God!!! What was that??? A Film???

This film called Kids is written by Harmony Korine and directed by Larry Clark. Its all about teenagers growing up in poverty in one of the worlds most well known cities: New York. The story is mainly focused around one boy called Telly a 17 year old skateboarder, his mission is to have sex with only virgins however it is to be unprotected. So things turn bad when one girl from his past finds out she is HIV positive and the only person she has had sex with is Telly. She tries looking for him before he moves onto another fresh young victim, but its too late. Each scene is really disturbing and consists of drugs, sex, guns and the outcomes.

Ive got to say that it did tell us something real about this world. It showed us what happens to those teenagers who are unlucky enough to be in that position, guess reality hit us! So i do respect and big up this film as it gave us an insight to what happens nowadays however don't you think we should learn something from this film too. From watching this film we should be gratefull that we are not in that position but we should also try to find ways of preventing these kinds of acts taking place?


Friday 7 March 2008


So what exactly is Masturbation?

There are so many different definitions and the simpliest is that Masturbation refers to: the sexual stimulation, especially of one's own genitals and often to the point of orgasm, which is performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (except for sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. This definition is found from:

No one exactly knows why one masturbates but some of the most common reasons are to help relieve stress and moreover gain sexual pleasure. Masturbation is thought of as an private act, no-one really wants anyone to know that they masturbate. According to some health care providers masturbation allows a healthy way to express and explore your sexuality and to release any sexual tension without the associated risks of sexual intercourse.

From reading through the above about associated risks i wonder if masturbation should be advertised more. Either talked about and promoted in schools then do you think it would help reduce any sexual transmitted diseases which spread at an early age. By young teenagers even childen starting from high school, if they begin to know more about their body and pleasure themselves, they could find it more pleasurable, enjoyable or more exciting?

I know for some it may not be acceptable and may offend many people it also may be totally wrong, but if you come to think about it how else can you try to prevent such things from taking place. So wouldnt you just use what you have but positivly?

I personally think its wrong but every one has their own opinions right? To others it may be fine. For those who do have unprotected sex maybe they should try something new which doesnt harm themselves and others.

For women here is a website for more information:

It's just an idea but what does everyone think about it?
