Wednesday 7 May 2008

Flis's blog Yeah i agree there is a difference between lying to be polite and compulsive lying. At the end of the day lying makes things worse. If you have real friends then there's really no need to lie to them, it maysound harsh at first but then agin if they really know you, then they should understand.

If you wouldn't want people to lie to you, then dont lie to others.


MC Bash's blog Yep its unfair that you have to labell and judge someone for no reason whatsoever, Religion you cant blame becasue no religion promotes negative attitudes. At the end of the day i beleive its down to the bloody media their to blame, they are the ones who promote so much bad stuff and people begin to fall for it.
What happened to hab=ving a brain and using it?

Don't Judge if you wouldnt want to be judged.


Habeeba's blog Habi's blog on stalking is interesting. I liked the way she has related it to a TV programme. It's really interesting how you can easily notice types of acts like this especially when their promoted on TV too. Also it makes me laugh to hear that the girl Sketch goes to such an extent to attract the boy Maxxie.


Babii Nikki True...True say Nikki, you shouldn't cheat on your lover. Whats the point in being in a relationship when your going to go off and see someone else. Why be so cruel and hurt another. Don't be in a relationship knowing that you might get bored and cheat. If the relationship is going down hill anyway then there's still no need to cheat. Like Nikki said "move on and don't leave the other person in the dark".


Dominique's Blog Yes. I agree with Dominique's blog on Prostitution. Women do give their bodies for others to use and abuse, receiving only money? No offence but i'm quite sure you can earn money in many different ways, if your not that qualified thee's plenty of factory's, waiting tabels, basic shop work, its not the best paid jobs but atleast you get to keep your self respect!!!


Nusarat's Post : Nusarat's blogs are really ineresting to read. I really liked the TV programme blog. I totally agree with her, that some TV programmes are bad influences. The use of language is appalling, Nusarat has mentioned South Park and Simpsons, but what about programmes like Tracey Beaker, who you always see as shouting and screaming and

acting really immature. This kind of behaviour really promotes children acting like that without knowing. They think its cool because their favourite characters think so.

Sunday 4 May 2008


I think this module was one of the best modules taught so far this year. It was enjoyable, fun, shocking, depressing, and well worth doing again.

It was crazy to hear people's opinions on everything and anything. Openely admitting their secret affairs, lusts and acts, was very surprising.

Lecturers were hillarious and funny. Topics were easily made funny and well worth coming. The odd chatter now and then was annoying.

I would have never thought this type of module would ever be taught at University, considering it was like a laid back type of module. Nevertheless learning so much in so little time, as only one topic was talked about per week.

I would recommend this module to be continued and for people to participate, it is worth knowing little stuff which make a big difference.

Thursday 1 May 2008


How do people shop lift and get away with it? God if i was to try it (i wont lol) i bet i would get caught no problemo!

Is there some kind of skill maybe technique used? How do they learn to do it? What happens if they caught? Are they not worried? Why exactly do it?

All of these questions and many many more need be answering. What triggers people to shop lift? Do they get some kind of adrenaline buzz out of it? I dont know!

Why are these kinds of bad behavioural acts being taken upon so much?

Shoplifting is the theft of merchandise for sale in a shop, it could be money from the cash register or the safe in local stores. It is one of the most common crimes around. Most shoplifters are amateurs and those who shop lift to make a living are tend to be more skilled.

Think twice before you shoplift becasue the consequence leads to an increase in the product prices!!!


Monday 28 April 2008

Chat rooms

You hear young children aged 12-15 being kidnapped or taken away. Nowadays the common way for this to happen is by kids chatting online to unkown people. These may be pretending to be younger, their sex could be made up and age, even who they are. You never know exactly who you are talking to online. Once these kind of people know your number, which school you go to and how old you are. Then it becomes easier for them to lead you on and make you feel wanted.

They begin to talk to you and give the impression that they care, once knowing that they have done that they can easily take you for advantage. Making you feel your wanted, spoiling and treating you, playing about with you and all the while you dont know whats really happening. Until theyve got hold of you and taken you away. Using and then abusing you.

Watch who you talk to. Theres so much bad behaviour in people out their.


Friday 25 April 2008


By murdering someone no matter what situation it occurs in, is it acceptable? Is it forgivable? How would you like it if it happened to one of your family members or friends? You wouldn't so why let it happen? Why do people get away with it?

Why do most parents cover up their childrens footprints? I know that it is their child but what happens if they turn onto their own parents?

What about honour killings? These are sooooo unaceptable, i dont know how you can live knowing you have killed your son or daughter becasue they have betrayed you in some sort of way. If the situation is really that bad then is it not easier just to let them go their own way, seperate and just keep the disatnce.

There's no need to go into extreme lengths.


Monday 21 April 2008


Poverty is deprivaton of those things that determine the quality of life, including food, clothing, shelter and safe clean drinking water. Poverty may affect individuals or groups, and is not confined to the developing nations. Poverty in developed countries is manifest in a set of soical problems including homelessness and the persistence of "ghetto housing clusters. Taken from:

Make poverty hstory is one of the worlds biggest campaigns. But has it been successful? What has exactly been achieved, who have they exactly helped? How much do we know that has changed? To me everytime i switch on th T.V or the News i dont really see any changes with wha tnews deleiver, i still hear about poverty and still see poverty occuring.

One question. If there's poverty in Britain whch obviously there is,then how do other countries expect us to help them when we cant help ourselves?

Think about it.


Friday 18 April 2008


Child abuse is the physical, psychological or even sexual maltreatment of children. Whilst most child abuse occurs at home there still is a significant portion in which abuse occurs at schools, churches and residential schools.

How do you feel when you hear children getting abused?
These little kids who have done no wrong but are getting beaten up by their own parents? Why have children if your going to beat them, not treat them with love and care.
No-one has the right to hurt somebody else and it isn't your fault if someone is hurting you.
Children are always the victims, they are easy targets, when stress encounters they are easily targeted and used as a punch bag.

From looking at the picture what do you think of Slavery relating to child abuse?

Think before you belt out children have feelings too.
For more information you can visit:


Tuesday 15 April 2008


What is Rape? Someone who commits rape who have had sexual intercourse with a person who does not consent to it; and at that time that person knows that they are not given consent to, but who canot stop it. A large proportion of rapes are committed by peoplr known to the survivor, a cose friednd maybe, someone who has been trusted, even a family member.

An assault can range from unwanted touching or kissing and suggessting sexual intercourse to forced oral sex and injury to genitals using objects. Rape and sexual assault can also invovle: intimidation, beating, spitting, choking, knifing, urinating or defecating on the victim.

This is a really really type of bad behaviour.

One which no-one should go through at all. It's disgusting to find out or here about people getting raped, what happened to having your own rights?

There is this girl in our community she refused to go out with this boy and as revenge he raped her. How low can someone go? If someone doesnt want to be with you then deal with it, you dont go out getting revenge!

Also do you think its acceptable for this type of AD?

Keep Safe people!!!


Friday 11 April 2008


Our world contains people from different backgrounds, cultures, religions and societies. However labelling one society or religion on behalf of someone else's wrong doing, to me is unacceptable. Terrorism disrupts the societies and communities we belong and live in. In modern sense terrorism is violence against civilians to achieve goals by creating fear. These types of acts are unlawful.

But who actually are the terorists?

Personally i believe, that people who become terrorists or who are terrorists dont beong to a religion. Why? Because NO religion says hurt another, NO religion says kill another, have you read the bible? Tell me where it says kill or hurt another? Have you read the Quran? Where does it say go out and kill, go out and take blood? It doesn't so why should a particular society, religion or community get labelled for no reason? A person who is a terrorist has no religion they dont belong to a communtiy or society, they are taking upon a act out of their own selfishness.

It hurts to find people who have done no wrong but are being labelled and bullied, it has happened to me. And i am proud to be brown and to be a British Pakistani Muslim.
Visit: to find out more about Islam and terrorism.


Monday 7 April 2008

Lying with Integrity

Would you actually live with knowing that you have lied to someone?

How would you feel if someone had lied to you? Telling the truth may seem to be the hardest but its always the safest way. Being honest to yourself and others. You always get caught cheating remember "once bitten twice shy".

Take for example Santa Clause, dont you feel guilty when your childs face just lights up near christmas time, and they cant wait for their prezzies from Santa. What happens if they dont grow out of the whole Santa scene, what do you do then, it can't go on forever.

Always think before you lie, think who its going to affect and how and how thier going to feel once its in the open.


Thursday 3 April 2008

Being too Religious

In this blog i have decided to talk about being too religious and if it has an affect on an relationship.

Religion is very sacred. I think if your in an relationship you have to accept the others religion and belief. Obviously if your with that person then your relationship is good right? But what about people who are in a relationship and their "other half" is too too religious which is causing problems? What do you do then people?

If your going to be with someone who is religious i think you atleast have to be on tesame "spiritual" level for things to work out fine. A person being too religious may not want to do some things in a relationship - you get what i mean yeh?

Dont be in a relationship when only one is religious becasue before you know it, you will get pressurised to beleive in their beliefs and if you dont, things wont exactly work out will they?

Visit to find out more.

Thursday 27 March 2008


Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. There are so many types of drugs, some which are allowed those include which doctors prescribe and some which are illegal. Including Marijuana, Ecstacy, Cocaine, Lsd, Crystal meth and Heroin.

Ilegal drugs can damage the brain, heart and othe organs.

Kids and teens nawadays try using drugs to fit in with a group of friends. Not knowing that really its bad for them. Those who deal are even worse, their only out their to make money not caring who they are selling it. How do you relly know what your dealer is selling you anyway? Getting into the bad crowd is not really worth it and having friends who persuade you into drugs or who take drugs then their not really friends, are they?

Rememer drugs dont solve problems they cause problems!

For more information on types of drugs visit:


Monday 24 March 2008

Nasty Comedians

Nasty comedians are so not funny or hilarous, so why do people enjoy listening and going along with them?

Some are so foul mouthed its just disgracefull. Take for example Sarah Silverman. I dont think no one girl can ever get nastier than her, she does Holocaust jokes, Martin Luther King jokes, Racist jkes, Aids jokes and lots on Jewish girls and sex and abortion.

I really dont know why one has to go and steep so low to be a nasty comedian then to turn around and be proud of it. Dont they ever think about the people they may be offending. Imagine someone was ofending you and your family, your culture your religion your beliefs, the person you are, how would you feel?

Yet people can have the nerve to laugh at others but when things to around on them they don't like!

So why be a nasty comedian in the first place!!!

For more info on Sarah Silverman visit:


Thursday 20 March 2008


What are Tattoos & where did they originate from?

Whether they are on arms, legs, ankles or buttocks, tattoos are painted all over our bodies by injecting ink into our skin. Ink is injected by a needle attached to a hand held tool into the cells of the dermis - a section of our skin that keeps tattoos from fading and stretching.

Decorating our bodies with tattoos is popular among many people.

The word, tatto originates from the Tahitian word tatu, which means "to mark", it was first mentioned in explorer James Cook's Record from his 1769 expedition to the South Pacific. However some scientists beleive that the earliest known eveidence of tattooing dats back to markings found on the skin of the Iceman, a mummified human body that goes back as 3300 B.C.

Tattoos can have many meanings to many different people, encraving their lovers name onto each other may show the power of love. But dont you think that there are many other ways of showing your love to one person rather than hurting or damaging your body?

Also what example is shown to kids nowadays, celebrities showing off their bodies and encouraging youngsters to be like them and wanting extreme body designs.
Want to see more designs go to:

Monday 17 March 2008


What are bandits? Those who tend to rob on a daily basis or a gangster who cheats and exploits others, there could even be groups of bandits, who knows! All we know is that they can rob from the rich and even the poor.

A good example of a bandit is Charles Arthur aka 'Pretty boy Floyd' who rose from a huge poorly family to one of the worlds biggest bank robbers in history. He had escaped the country boy lifestyle for the more modern era. Here he had gained a bad reputation and to make way through life was to rob. This could be from post offices and then banks and along the way he had taken many lives. In the end, Floyd was betrayed not by his family or friends but by an ambitious protector of American Justice called J.Edgar Hoover. From reading through many different articles and sources this is an overall general basic idea of what Charles Arthur did. From reading through sources how he died i have noticed is in many different ways from the various writers.

There have been many celebrities who have shot to fame but used to be part of gangs and outlaws. Such as 50 Cent, one of the worlds most famous rapper. He had lost his mother through drugs at the age of 8, his father walked out on the family so he was left with his grandparents and the rest of the family. As he had little money he became a member of the well known drug game, the skills in dealing, selling and making drugs was quickly picked up and money started rolling in. Family soon became aware and tryed to stop this from happening before another life could be taken. Soon after some very hard time and gaining attention from groups of rivals he began to rap about life, drugs, sex, money to earn his way out of poverty. Through this he rose to fame and has become one of the worlds biggest rap stars. More information about 50 Cent you can visit:

People out there are from all kinds good and bad, rich and poor, generous and selfish etc...Bandits may be wrong but if you actually try not to stereotype and look at their bachgrounds such as 50 cent then maybe people's perceptions can change?


Thursday 13 March 2008


Oh My God!!! What was that??? A Film???

This film called Kids is written by Harmony Korine and directed by Larry Clark. Its all about teenagers growing up in poverty in one of the worlds most well known cities: New York. The story is mainly focused around one boy called Telly a 17 year old skateboarder, his mission is to have sex with only virgins however it is to be unprotected. So things turn bad when one girl from his past finds out she is HIV positive and the only person she has had sex with is Telly. She tries looking for him before he moves onto another fresh young victim, but its too late. Each scene is really disturbing and consists of drugs, sex, guns and the outcomes.

Ive got to say that it did tell us something real about this world. It showed us what happens to those teenagers who are unlucky enough to be in that position, guess reality hit us! So i do respect and big up this film as it gave us an insight to what happens nowadays however don't you think we should learn something from this film too. From watching this film we should be gratefull that we are not in that position but we should also try to find ways of preventing these kinds of acts taking place?


Friday 7 March 2008


So what exactly is Masturbation?

There are so many different definitions and the simpliest is that Masturbation refers to: the sexual stimulation, especially of one's own genitals and often to the point of orgasm, which is performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (except for sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. This definition is found from:

No one exactly knows why one masturbates but some of the most common reasons are to help relieve stress and moreover gain sexual pleasure. Masturbation is thought of as an private act, no-one really wants anyone to know that they masturbate. According to some health care providers masturbation allows a healthy way to express and explore your sexuality and to release any sexual tension without the associated risks of sexual intercourse.

From reading through the above about associated risks i wonder if masturbation should be advertised more. Either talked about and promoted in schools then do you think it would help reduce any sexual transmitted diseases which spread at an early age. By young teenagers even childen starting from high school, if they begin to know more about their body and pleasure themselves, they could find it more pleasurable, enjoyable or more exciting?

I know for some it may not be acceptable and may offend many people it also may be totally wrong, but if you come to think about it how else can you try to prevent such things from taking place. So wouldnt you just use what you have but positivly?

I personally think its wrong but every one has their own opinions right? To others it may be fine. For those who do have unprotected sex maybe they should try something new which doesnt harm themselves and others.

For women here is a website for more information:

It's just an idea but what does everyone think about it?


Thursday 28 February 2008


Two-timing hurts right???

So why do people go out to have fun and end up snogging the living crap out of someone else or even ending up drunk and then bedding them??? When people with partners go elsewhere for some time out or to have a stress free night they dont realise that it can have an affect on others, especially the loved ones. Nights out can lead to an unwelcome home with questions waiting to be answered, slanging matches occur, slapped faces and moreover emotional pain, these are just the few fallouts when a person plays away.

Infideleity raises a number of questions......

WhY??? did that person stray away from their partner in the first place?

WhAt??? signs did the cheated partner miss?

HoW??? should each of the three people involved approach the problem, once everythings out in the open?

Partners may stray from their other half becasue they may have the thrill of the forbidden, fear of lost freedom, Straightforward lust or even lack of mutual satisfication.

'Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.'(When Harry Met Sally star Billy Crystal)

A few common tell tale symptoms of infidelity can be:

He/She has become much vainer, He/She has a sudden change in tastes, He/She may not want to get physical anymore.....Fact..someone who is two-timing you snogs like a dead fish!?!

He/She becomes secretive

And your constantly looking for all the above and maybe more???

'Monogamy [sticking to one partner] is fabulous. It gives you a deep and profound connection with another human being, and you don't have to shave your legs as much.'(Sex and the City)

The ChEaT

Was it a on-off OR was it the only time you were caught? If it was a single incident and it wont happen again you have got to put things straight and talk to your paryner, be superman/woman and save the day as well as you relationship. Whatever happens do not use the excuse "I was drunk" that is just so lame.

If you was two timing over a long period of time youve got to make a decision, choosing freedom or sticking to the long term commitment to your partner.
A guide to dealing with infidelity can be found at:
Choose your pick BuT think it through!!!
Good luck to those who are in the situation!


Friday 22 February 2008

Field Trips OR Sun, Sea and Sand???

Ppl what do you think of a nice cool white beach with the warm sea and the sun setting down???
Nice scenary but where can i find a place like that???

Ideas anyone???
